I loved having a safe space... to connect with others.
— Retreat Participant

On a Faith Journey?
We’ll walk with you

It was one of the best weekends of my life.
— Retreat Participant

Seeking harmony during a faith crisis or faith journey?

We are a non-profit organization that provides compassionate environments for individuals experiencing faith crisis (LDS and other religious traditions) or on a faith journey. We focus on promoting understanding, emotional healing and inner peace regardless of religious beliefs or practice.

What is Harmony Road?

Harmony is not referring to a physical location or a social position, it is an inner state. At our retreats, we help people move toward harmony regardless of their outer circumstances. They can then take the understanding and practices home with them as they face life’s complexities. When we find inner harmony we can inhabit any outer situation anchored in inner peace.

When the shelf breaks…

Sometimes people say it’s best to put difficult faith questions “on the shelf.” This is an understandable way to deal with cognitive dissonance. But what if the shelf breaks? Those who have experienced this know that the resulting disorientation and fear can be overwhelming. We offer compassion and support after a “shelf breaking” experience, and tools to move forward toward inner harmony.

We are committed to providing compassionate spaces for emotional healing and spiritual renewal.

“Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.”

— Henry David Thoreau

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