Participants will experience a safe space, with a warm, supportive environment where they can listen to others’ experiences and talk through their own (of course, participation is optional). The compassionate environment helps those who are experiencing faith crisis/transition/journey come to a deeper understanding of their experience and learn practices that will help them move toward inner harmony, regardless of religious beliefs or participation. We aim to help participants have a truly transformational experience. We hope each person leaves with a greater sense of inner peace, a supportive group of friends, and direction and hope for a peaceful future.
We will explore mindfulness/meditation practices that lead toward inner harmony (no previous experience necessary). We will also engage in small and large group discussions, personal pondering/journaling opportunities, an excursion to Provo Plunj, and also enjoy good food and great chats with wonderful people.
Location - Spanish Fork Canyon, Utah
We will meet Friday evening 6:00-9pm. Saturday 9am-8pm, and Sunday 9am-4pm.
We want everyone who is in need of finding peace during faith crisis/transition to be able to participate. If the $150 ticket price is too much, please apply for a partial or full scholarship HERE and we will see how we can help you.
Here is a brief overview of the expected agenda:
(Snacks and drinks provided throughout)
Friday evening - Introductions-connections-overview - (this is always one of the highlights as we create a safe space and connect with each other and our stories)
Saturday am - Understanding faith crisis/transition - navigating relationships and community
Lunch provided
Saturday pm - Stillness practices for inner harmony - meditation instruction by Haymitch St. Stephen and excursion to Provo Plunj.
Dinner provided
Saturday evening - Unstructured social or personal time (games/chatting/journaling)
Sunday am - Inner peace and purpose amid outer chaos
Lunch provided
Sunday pm - Finding your life's purpose and creating a personalized plan for harmony